Monday, November 28, 2011

Running The Race

Hey Followers,
So sorry it has been such a long time since I have posted! I have been crazy busy trying to get used to going to school :/ and my new sister Maezie being born and all. But I will try to stay caught up now. :)
So I got to go to state in Cross Country as a Freshmen. I loved the whole cross country season and always have loved running but even more so now. I had an AWESOME coach who went to the Olympics and even broke records. He loves the Lord and was just an all around fun coach. His story about running his record breaking race was incredible. We (as a team) got the opportunity to watch the tape of him running. He said during the race he couldn't get the picture out of his head of how Jesus suffered on the Cross for our sins and how long he suffered for us. His thought was that he could finish a race and suffer for a short amount of time.
Hearing that right before my state race was such a fun thought. So during my race I would continuously think about how life is so similar to a simple run. Through life we struggle through so much, death of loved ones, finances, work (for me school), and so much more. During a race your legs burn on up hills, your tired but have to continue, you so badly want to do well but without getting hurt. At the end of the race you take a breath and feel so good about what you just accomplished. You feel good about the distance you just ran without stopping, the time you finished, and just feeling healthy from exercise.
In life I feel like when we die, and go to heaven it will be such a similar feeling. A feeling of accomplishment. serving the Lord while dealing with the normal life struggle. I am so looking forward to that feeling that I am sure will come. :)
 Sorry this is a VERY scattered post but I do not really feel like writing an A paper. This is a good place just to put down my thoughts and not worry about a grade. :) I just kind of whipped it out and pressed "publish post". So thank you for allowing me to put down my thoughts and walk away. :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Blog

So I just have to pop in here and say that I new blog is

Oh and Charsie is the best sister ever.

And I love my family.

The end. =)

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Season

I know I haven't been very good about keeping this blog very updated....My life has gone crazy in the best possible way in the last few months! I never thought that in one year I would fall in love. Be getting married. Have a new sister from Uganda. I never thought my mom would be pregnant with another little sister for me. Or that I would get to work at Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch again. Or that I would be moving to Montana. I would have never guessed that I would be able to go back to MY Uganda and fall in love with a precious babe that is now being adopted by some of our very dear friends. I never thought that I would be so close to my sweet sweet sister Charsie. OR that I would get so close to my mom. They are my girls. They make me laugh. Make me cry. Make me laugh again. They offer incredible advice and they are always they for me.

My post is feeling scattered but so is my heart and my head. Right now is a season of BIG change. GOOD change. hard change. It is simply the end of one beautiful and incredible season and the beginning of a whole new  exciting crazy amazing season. And my heart is right in the middle. I can't wait to be with Chaney everyday for the rest of my life. He is seriously God's best for me and I am way beyond thankful, blessed and ready!!! But at the same time, this is the first time I will be leaving my family and it's not easy. They are all awesome and have made me who I am today and I will miss watching them grow up and cheer them on. But I will just have to be their biggest fan from a distance. I will miss my church and the people who have loved both Chaney and Me for so long. But especially in the past year. Thank you for your prayers! The prayer group on Wednesday nights has rocked my world!

Change can be so bittersweet. But it's only bitter because of how sweet it was before. And it's going to be even sweeter. I wouldn't trade anything for the past year. And I won't trade anything for the upcoming years.

Part of why I decided to post today is because it will be my last past on Sisters Serving Him. I am handing it over to miss amazing charsie and starting a new blog...

Follow what Chaney and I are up to on our new blog but keep updated with Chars on here! Thanks.

Psalm 75:9  But as for me I will proclaim what God has done. I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

May all my life be for God's glory. Past, Present and Future. New and Old. Forever.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wedding Bells!!

(aren't we made for each other?? HA)

I am getting married to the love of my life. and best friend. in 94 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!! I can't wait. I am so excited. So blessed. So in love. So thankful. In just 94 days I will be Mrs. Bowen....FOREVER!!! I love my Chaney!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My currently crazy life...


I doubt anyone even follows this anymore but that's understandable....I decided that I should try to start blogging again because there is so much craziness in my life and I want to share....

So here is the very short list of some of the exciting things happening in my life...

1.) I leave for Uganda in about 31 hours!! (Oh how I love and adore and miss that country!! Can't wait to go back.)

2.) I am dating the most amazing man in the entire world and am feeling so incredibly blessed! Sadly he lives about 800 miles away in Montana finishing college. But the past 3 1/2 months has been wonderful.

3.) I am getting a new sister in two weeks!!! (thats why I'm going to Uganda!) I get to be part of the team that brings my sweet sissy home!!! :)

4.) there is much more I could tell but for now I think this works....

Please pray for my family and team in all this excitement. Our community and church and friends and family have been amazing!!! I love my life.

I will write again soon and make updates about my trip....


Monday, January 10, 2011

A "Hart" for Esther

Hey there! I know it's been far too long since I have updated this thing but I finally have something worthy of sharing. So please watch this video and share it with everyone. We are trying to bring Esther home and we can't do it alone. Thank you much.

A "Hart" 4 Esther - Share her story