Sunday, November 29, 2009

Running Into Relationship

I am finding more often than not that God speaks to me through analogies(for lack of a better word). Today when I got home from my run an idea(whether God-sent or not I'm not sure) popped into my head. I have been trying to figure out how to get it from my brain and into words all afternoon. And I finally decided to just give it a shot. Now before I say anything else I must say this should not be taken as Truth-I'm sure none of you would but I am just letting you know that I am aware that these are my own thoughts, by no means is it biblical. Its just a thought I wanted to share with you.

When I finished my run this morning I was very sore; each step was a struggle. I know was so sore because I also ran yesterday, and until then the last time I ran was almost a month ago. I fought to simply walk around the house I began to think..."maybe this soreness and running in general can parallel our relationship with Christ." Allow me to explain.

Everyone knows that when we run for the first time in awhile or for the first time ever, it is likely we will be sore afterwards. Sometimes the pain even occurs during the run. On those first few runs pain surges through our body. As our legs power forward stride after stride our muscles begin to tighten and ache. Every pounding step hurts our feet. But the more we exercise the easier it gets. In fact, we have to start making our workouts more difficult. In order to get that same burning feeling we had on the first run we have to go further, run faster, push harder. We have to start adding elements that will continue to challenge us: hills, longer distance, sprints. Whatever it is, it has to be "new" to build more muscle and make us better than we were on the previous run. We have to do this because as we build endurance and strength we stop becoming sore, which means our bodies have stopped breaking down our muscles in order to build them back up even stronger.

Is it fair to say the more we run the better we get at it? Is it true that the more we do it the more we know about it? We become educated on the subject. Every time we complete a run we know a little bit more about how to get the best out of each workout and how our body operates under a number of circumstances. We figure out what shoes best fit our feet, what type of clothes are needed depending on the weather. Is it safe to say we are on a constant uphill climb when it comes to running?

Here is when running and God intersect in my mind...

Isn't our relationship with Him the same as running? At first it can be hard-even painful-to come before the Creator of all things and open up our hearts to Him. It's even more difficult to surrender our hearts and give Him our lives. I think we struggle with this because we don't want Him to see all of our mistakes, faults, sin and quite honestly- all the ugliness inside of us. We try so hard to hide all of these things from the world but once we decide to ask Jesus into our hearts we have to lay it all out in front of Him, so that He can get rid of it. But it's hard to make that first step. Just like running can be hard to get motivated.

I believe He breaks us down so that He can build us back up in His love and truth, and it makes us sore. But- back to running- the more time we spend with Him and get to know God for real the deeper into His Word we must dig in order to continue to grow and get stronger. We have to go deeper, pray more and be challenged. So we press further into Him to fuel our burning passion that is our life in Christ.

Personally, the more I run the more it becomes "addictive" I actually start to need it in order to properly function and it is even more like that in my relationship with My Savior. The more I read His Word and pray and worship and just talk about Him the more I want and need to do it. Its what keeps me moving.

When I grow weak or tired during while running I usually have several options: drink water to keep me hydrated, suck down some GU for electrolytes, take in a deep breath and slow down or just quit. My run with God also gives me many options when I get weak and exhausted: drink in the Living water which is Christ himself-for I will never thirst again, read scripture for encouragement and pray and have others pray for me (electrolytes-help keep me going), take a deep breath and ask Him to help me-for in Him I will find rest, and lastly-give in the world's will for my life and just give up. I don't know about you-but the last one, although tempting at times, not worth it in the least. No one wants to start a race and not finish it.

In the running world there is always another race, another hill, a further distance. We will never be able to run every race or run every mile. Running is something we have to keep working on and constantly push ourselves. Much like it is impossible for us to run every inch of the earth it is impossible for us to know God perfectly, but the more we run the closer we get to covering all those inches and the more we take our relationship with God seriously and actively pursue Him the more we get to know Him and all He has planned for us. So ultimately we must keep running.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This is a story I wrote while Shauna and Justin were getting baby Isaiah.
Somewhere hidden East of America, in the continent of Africa, in the country of Uganda, in the orphanage of Sanyu lives a little boy named Isaiah.
Frightened, happy, and anxiously waiting in America is a 32 year old man ready to board the plane to go to Uganda to maybe meet a boy he can call son. The second the man walks into the orphanage God works his wonders. The woman at the front desk asked if he was there to adopt. He replied "Yes I am, is there any little boys here by the name Isaiah?" The woman replied "That's so weird when you walked in the door I said to myself I bet he's here for Isaiah and yes there's only one he's over there." The man and Isaiah bonded for a few weeks and he knew that was the boy he was going to adopt. But he had to return his wife and kids waiting to see him. The mans name is Justin.
Months drug on and on it felt like a decade for the woman ready to go to Uganda to pick up her new baby. When she and Justin finally arrived it was so sad at the sight that lay in front of her she cried for days. Spending a few weeks with her soon to be son and after one court date the judge said it was approved. She finally got to call Isaiah her own. Her name is Shauna.
Only a few things need to be done and the small family get to come home to the four kids anxiously waiting to see their parents and meet their new brother. Almost daily the kids wait by the phone wanting to know all the news. When they heard Isaiah is legally their brother they were jumping with joy. The family has turned from six people to seven! The four kids are Ashton, Hunter, Dawson, Lily and the newest addition Isaiah.
Its amazing what the Lord can do for you if you only believe in Him.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Leap of Faith

Ok so this post is a bit rough but I had to get it out there. This whole blog thing is new to me. Sorry if it is hard to follow...

Dreams...they can be profound, confusing, interesting, funny and real. There are many different types of dreams. Some come in the form of what most folks like to call, "daydreaming" or fantasies about a life outside of the present. Whether they be about getting called out of class or the moment you meet your Prince Charming. They are our day-to-day wishes. Then there are the dreams that occur in the middle of the night. The ones that we have no control over. Many of these "late night adventures" are random, strange and intriguing-yet by the time we wake up we don't even remember what happened, they just, disappear. Also I believe some people have dreams that are God sent-ones that are undeniably clear and speak directly to our hearts. They are almost real and often help give us insight into our own hearts and lives. There is one more type of dream that everyone has. These are the dreams that are most dear to us, so dear in-fact that we sometimes hide them from the world and lock them away within our hearts and minds as to keep them safe. These are the true desires we all possess and that we all fear losing. No one wants to have their dreams crushed or their hopes lost. By sharing our inner-most "secrets", joys, excitments and desires with the world we easily become vulnerable. Someone might tell us, "no" and reject what we hold dear. But worst of all they might laugh at us. They might think our dreams are stupid and ridiculous and absolutely immpossible. What a blow to the face! We all have hope in something. We all look forward to something. We all desire something. And I believe its time we stop hiding these precious dreams from the world, it is time we stop trying to "protect" them. We ought to take a leap of faith and follow our hearts. Fuel our passion. Pursue our desires. And do it in the name of the Lord. Trust that God has given us these burning hopes for a reason and act on what we love. If we fall flat on our faces, we fall hard, but at least we can say we tried. But it doesn't end there. I say we get back up, dust off our jeans, and jump again. Eventually we will learn to fly. Don't let anyone tell you no. Follow your heart and most importantly pursue Christ's heart! He is our Father and wants the absolute best for us. What dad doesn't want to see their kids happy and living out their dreams? And God is the PERFECT dad! He has got us in the palm of His hand now and forever. To Him be the glory and praise. ALWAYS!
Lashy B


I am home schooled and everyday my mom asks me to do a journal entry and here is one from the beginning of the school year:
Some narrow, some wide. Skinny and fat. Very straight, others won't unwind. Most fast, others slow. Some with salmon, others with snakes. Lots very long, they come small to. Others lead to the ocean, while others go to a small lake or pond. Can be loud and not heard too. Some with crystal clear drinking water, others with brown dirty water for kids to drink from. Lots have big motor boats and ones with row boats. Some with geese and ducks, while some have swans and herons. Some great man called them- a river.
This aritical was written by,

Monday, November 23, 2009

Evening Snack...Or mothers worst nightmare?

As Lashae, Mom, and I were sitting in the kitchen visiting, Mom was making dinner we had the garbage out of the pantry because mom was peeling potatoes. She had finished and was just going to leave it there for a few moments while she finished. Down the stairs Reece came and had spotted the garbage as usual he barked a few orders at the three girls and at once he was happy. So he went and was looking at what presents he could find in the great white open thing in the middle of the room. That same day we had salads with cucumbers for a side for the dinner ahead. So he was going through and found a peel of one, he sat observing it. Then, he had looked at it long enough I guess because he took a great big bite followed by a sour face and then a "Mmmmmmmmm. Num num."

Welcome Bloggy World

Hello Friends! Charsie and I have wanted to start a blog for awhile now and finally decided to just do it. We are excited to be able to share with you the daily happenings around the Brewer Household. This is going to be a fun way we can journal together about our lives as sisters both biologically and in Christ. Together we have grown up physically, emotionally and spiritually. Both of us have a burning passion to serve God in all that we do and hope that through our lives others can see our drive for Him. As time goes by we will be able to look back and see the changes we have experienced with each other. It's gonna be great! We hope you like our blog and if not thats okay...cuz we will continue to write anyway ;) Feel free to comment on anything and everything! All our love!!