Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Loving Baby!

Yesterday Reece and I had to go to the doctors office for a check up and a few shots(that's what we thought anyways.) When we get there they were just doing the normal check up stuff the weighing the height and all that good stuff. I was up first so I went on the little bed and she checked my breathing and all when I was done it was Reece's turn. He gets on that table does everything PERFECT! I have never seen him so calm!

Then the nurse left for what we thought was only going to be two shots for Reece and one for me. Well Reece needed four and I needed three. We wanted Reece to go first so he didnt know what was coming. He went up there not even thinking and he got his shots in the legs, two on each side. It was so sad hearing his cry of hurt "mommy ouchy ouchy!" with the loudest screams! So sad. Well it came my turn. I got up and Reece suddenly stopped crying turned around and said "sissy ouch sissy I sorry! "Ooooooo sissy!" It was so sweet of him to put his own pain aside as a little two year old caring for his big sissy even though it didnt hurt me nearly as bad as it did he!

Afterwards I gave him a big hug and a kiss to assure him I was ok. Then he remembered his own pain. But it was so loving to know he doesnt only care for himself in these kind of situations but others as well.

Love you Reece,

Love Chars.


Jenay said...

Charsie, this is a great post...I'm so glad you can write so well and capture the moment. I too thought it was the sweetest thing ever. He suprises us sometimes, huh? He actually does have compassion...AT 2!!! Pretty sweet. Love ya, Mom

Shauna said...

I am crying - that was the sweetest thing EVER!! Thanks for sharing!

marlece said...

precious, I love this gives me hope that when baby's are this age that it isn't all about me, me, me!! you.

Cassie said...

i love when you write on here!

oh and i love Reese!

well, i think mostly i LOVE all you Brewers!!!!!!!

Tawnya said...

Whoa Charsie- Your writing is awesome. I totally felt like I was there with you guys. So glad you could be so strong for Reece. What a loving group you all are. Precious! Love ya- Aunti T