Friday, October 22, 2010

Cleaning a closet for a sister

I am so sorry its been so long since Lashae or I have posted. We both have been CRAZY busy! But I finally had a fun thing to post about. I have had plenty of ideas but I couldn't resist posting this! So as most of you know my family is adopting a little girl from Uganda, Africa. She is 9 years old and the plan is that her and I are going to share a room. Even though we have a while until are process is complete for adoption God works in crazy ways so I decided that since He can move mountains why can't he bring a little girl home from Africa soon? Last night I decided JUST in case the Lord wanted Esther (that's her name) to come home soon then I should kind of have my room ready. My room is cleaned everyday bed made and all that fun stuff but my closet is a complete disaster. So I decided I should have it ready to share. That was an adventure so I had to share with you all about it.
This is ALL of the stuff in my closet piled in the middle of my room. Some where hidden is Reece and my floor.
My pile got a little smaller and awww theres Reece.
Look!!! Its small! Yep Reece is still hanging out with me But at the moment he is re-organizing what I had already done. Hes more entertainment then he is help!

Just to let you know this wasn't done in just a few minutes it took me one hour and thirty minutes. Here is my smallest pile but yet many more minutes lay ahead for me at this point. Look at Reece eye bawling my stuff!

Okay there it is!!! My floor!

Here it is.... My side.

ESTHER SIDE!!!! Yay I am soooo excited!!!

Reece isn't in this picture because he found a whistle in one of my piles and ran away with it. You could ONLY imagine how we were all woken up this morning! :D
It was a really long process but I am glad I got to have the pleasure of doing it! As you can see we already have a few things in there for her and we will just keep adding! :D


marlece said...

oh my gosh this is HILARIOUS!!!! I love this post, Chars, you crack me up...great writing...and oh, it looks like you are ready for Sister Esther. Can't wait!

Shauna said...

That too cute and God sees your faith, I am sure! :)

Jenay said...

Charsie Lee...this post made me laugh and are an amazing girl, an amazing sister, an amazing writer, and a great organizer and cleaner. I love you more than I can tell you without exploding. Esther is soooo lucky to have you as a big sister. Thanks for getting ready for her!!!

Charsie said...

You all are so sweet! Mom thank you for being an incouraging mom! :D

Kathy said...

From Esther: "I thank Charsie because I'm going to share a bedroom. I thank her to clean it for me."

Charsie said...

Chars and I were reading this today and she was CRACKING up! mind you....she wrote this! she kills me!
