Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All Done...

yup, that be right. Ima dun with me high skooll ed-u-ma-cayshon. I dun real good. Now i be smart.

Just Kidding...but really...I am done! Today was my last crazy day of high school.

It started last night, when we tried to do a "senior prank" but just ended up camping at the baseball fields. So fun. I did not sleep one bit.

We left the fields at about 5am, headed to Syd's to shower and finish my WR 122 paper.

Once cleaned, fed and ready to go we left Syd's at about 730am.

Walking into the school I realized we were entering the school for the last time as actual students - it is still weird to think about. But it is great!

Right of the bat, I had to participate in a skit in Spanish (yo hablo espanol), followed by a two-hour math final (I love math! for real!) Next I went to the burrito place in town and brought back some tacos for my friends (mostly I was avoiding my incomplete chem labs).

After lunch I went to WR 122 where people read their papers to the class - however I could barely keep my eyes open, let alone listen to what they were saying (I was starting to wear down).

I ended the school day in Chemistry trying to finish up some lab write ups. Eventually, I found the power to focus and just get them done. I handed them in and said, "peace out".

And now I am all done! - with high school anyway. I can't wait to see what God has in store now. :)

*This was part of my small adventure today, I just thought I would share.*


marlece said...

u r funi grl...isn't that the weirdest but greatest feeling to be DONE with high school. So much more to come, can't wait to watch....I love ya honey, ya know I do!

Sydney said...


Carrie said...

You did great at graduation. Wonderful speech. Congrats to you and I know that life will hold wonderful things for you.

Charsie said...

Lowenbach--Thank you! I am going to miss seeing you everyday! But I am so thankful for the time I have had getting to know you. We will have to stay in touch! :)