Monday, June 7, 2010

My African story

So two people I know have "African songs" as we call it but I have and African story. Only one of the three stories is real. The other two are made up. I have never been to Africa so I could only imagine what it's like there. So obviously I am Charsie, not Lashae, writing this.

In the beginning of every morning the beautiful little girl would wake up to the memories of her loving mother and hatred uncle. But what she remembered most was the tragedy that took them both. The tragedy that happened only three months prior to that day. The tragedy that left her alone and scared in this big world. The tragedy that brought her to the orphanage. But most importantly, the tragedy that brought her to know and love Jesus Christ, her savior.

The "daddy" of the orphanage was once again awaken by the screams of their newest member. He had become used to the screams but knew it was his duty to check on the little, scared boy in the next room over. He came in and the little boy said, "I just had another nightmare about what my mom used to do to me when I didn't bring back food". The scars still showed on his back. But the "daddy" said "Its okay. For God is and always will be here for you as I am now. But his power and love for you is something I could never match." That night the scared little boy became brothers with the man standing in his room. Though they did not come out of the same woman, God united them.

The man was brought to tears as the little girl that stood in front of him, clutching a piece of paper, told her testimony. The words that she spoke were just horrifying. This little girls mother was so past the point of starvation that while the little girl slept she would bite and try to eat this young girl that lay next to her. In the mothers mind she thought that if her daughter got to eat out of the garbage that day then why not just eat her? It got to the point of infection. The girl was rescued, brought to an orphanage, and also brought to God. To this very day she still has scars. But she is no longer a daughter of a mad woman. But a daughter of Christ.

Thank you,



marlece said...

Chars, I think you have a little certain someone in Africa that you may have your heart with....and maybe her name is Ester perhaps? I pray for Ester...I love this story and even though you haven't been it sounds to me like you have a pretty good idea and that being #1 Jesus being the answer. Great story Chars, you are a sweety and Auntie Esh loves you to death. Keep up the writing I want MORE!

Shauna said...

All 3 are true - right?

Charsie said...

Thankyou guys soooooo much! :D And only 1 is true. And thats the last one. The other two I just sat down and wrote. Thankyou guys for all the support I love you all! Thanks Charsie.

Jenay said...

Charsie, You have a gift of writing my sweetie!!! Way to use to for the Lord.
Love, Mom