Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trusting the Lord!!!!

I am the mom of these AMAZING Brewer Sisters. I wanted to make a post and I don't have a blog, so I thought I would just take over theirs for a day....My Post has to do with trusting the Lord completely. Such a hard one for me, especially when it comes to my kids: Why I think I know better or can help them or love them better than God is beyond me...but based on my actions this is what I think.

Lashae has made no bones about it; she is CALLED to the mission field....not in 4 years after college....not when I get around to thinking it is a good plan or idea, but NOW! Her words: "I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't know how to pay for it, I don't know what all the details are, I just know that I love Jesus more than anything and I want to tell other people about Him too."

Well, I can reason this away and I have 100 different ways...there's people RIGHT here who don't know Jesus... or, why don't you learn to teach or become a nurse so you can help people become educated or give them medical help....and then you can have a job and more likely afford to do a mission. It never sits well with her. She wants to go and do it now and she wants to to NOTHING else. She does not want a backup plan, she does not want to put it off, she wants to go now- she says she does not have all the answers, she just wants to go because the Lord has told her to go and He will provide all the answers.

O.K. this is where it is hard for a mom especially of a 17 year old girl...who will probably be a valedictorian of her class and has amazing brains and potential in whatever SHE wants to do in her young life. I reason, why would God call her when she has so much potential in so many areas. But here is what I've come to realize; when Lashae is standing before the Lord someday and He asks her why she was NOT obedient to Him - she can not say, "Well my mom thought....or Lord I had so many opportunities for college and a wonderful education." She will be accountable for herself and I don't want to get in the way of that. And just to clarify, even if she never went I know the Lord would still love her and I know that she would go to heaven when she dies, because we serve a God that loves us so much and He already paid the price for us to have eternal life with Him in heaven. But, when the Lord calls and when Lashae has asked the Lord continually what He wants her to do with her life, and He answers...she must respond. She WILL stand before Him someday on judgement day and so will I.......and I want God to say to her, "Well done". And the most amazing part to me is SHE wants NOTHING MORE than to obey. That is how the love of God works....once He lives in us, if we walk with Him we WANT to serve Him we WANT to love His people, we want to do what is laid on our hearts to do.

So as a mom my job is to PRAY, PRAY, guide, press in and know the Lord and His voice for myself, ask the Lord for direction for her, and for me, and for the Lord to give me peace and TRUST HIM with my girl. He loves her more than I do and He will take much better care of her then I EVER EVER EVER could. He created her and knows her heart, I just get the privilege of being her mom and learning as much as I can about her.


marlece said...

We will pray too. Pray for His guidance, His peace, His direction, His hand on this situation. I am so grateful that you have raised a child so in love with Jesus and for that as a mom too there is no bigger desire in me than to see the same for my own. I TRUST that Lashae hears from the Lord and I TRUST her obedience and I TRUST you as a mom to stand by her in whatever it is that the Lord is calling her to do. I am so proud of you sister!

Shauna said...

Trusting Him who made her - how can you go wrong?! Lead the way of obediant parenting Sister!!

Tawnya said...

Well, i think you are right about trusting the Lord. I did try to stand in the way of Seth's decision and I am now grateful he was strong and went with his convictions, not what I wanted. I now see a bigger picture and am so very grateful that he is were he is. It still didn't take the knot away in my stomach as a mother knowing her family dynamics was going to change. You all are in my prayers. Its sounds like you are handling it beautifully. Good job!

Laurel said...

Just found your blog ... and what perfect timing the Lord would have.

One of your dear daughters, commented on one of my dear daughters' blog, and signed it "little sis". So, looks to me like my daughter is a mentor to your daughter ... so, maybe that means I could become a mentor to you. :)

Sounds like your 17 year old will be the first to "fly the coop", and Mama Hen is not quite sure she is ready to let her fly. Well ... I have 6 chicks that have already "flown the coop"; so I've "been there, done that" a few times.

While I would LOVE it if all 12 of my children stayed close to home. (We could buy 100 acres and all live happily ever after together.) That is NOT what the Lord has called them to. As their Mama, I don't want to get in the way of the Lord's work in their lives.

Just last year ... I had a 22 year old son living in Amman, Jordan ... a 20 year old daughter ministering in India and Bangladesh ... and a 20 year old daughter living in Argentina. So, when my kids fly the coop ... they fly FAR away from home. Yes, I miss them ... but I am soooo.... excited for what the LORD is doing in and through each of their lives. I don't even cry any more when my kids fly off around the world; I'm just too excited for them.

I also must comment on the "who will probably be a valedictorian of her class and has amazing brains and potential in whatever she wants to do in her young life. I reason, why would God call her when she has so much potential in so many areas?"

I am sure that you didn't mean to imply this ... but it could be taken as "only the dumber people with less potential should waste their lives on the mission field." No ... God needs the best of the best, to do His will, whatever that may be.

Why am I so passionate about this? I was the "girl with the potential". I was the girl with the 140+ I.Q. I was the girl that my parents had high hopes for. I was the girl that disappointed her family ... because I was the girl that only wanted to follow Jesus, and do His will. God didn't call me to be a doctor. God didn't call me to even finish college. Now, for me, God didn't even call me to the honored position of a missionary. No. God called me to be a Mama of Many. And ... I am the black sheep of the family because of it.

While all of my extended relatives are teachers, principals, professors ... I'm "just a housewife". When I had 6 children under 6 years old, one of my relatives asked, "When are you going to finish college?" Huh? "In my spare time, of course."

I am a Mama of 13 children ... and I don't want to be anything else when I grow up. I have taught my children at home for the past 20 years ... and I have at least 10 years left (with my 2 youngest only being in 2nd grade). I don't believe that I have, in any way, wasted the gifts that the Lord gave me.

My husband and I don't care what career our children choose. Seriously. We. Don't. Care. ALL we want and pray for is that each and every one of them will love and serve the Lord. Nothing ... is more important than that. If #2 son becomes President of the United States, I won't be more proud of him than #4 son who wants to be a professional photographer. Nope. Doesn't Matter. As long as they are both loving and serving the Lord ... doesn't matter.

Sorry to ramble on ... Would LOVE to chat with you. Dear daughter (oh yea ... the Nanny ... who I am so proud of ... ) can give you my number ...


Laurel :)

Laurel said...

I just wrote a post, linking to your post. It will post tomorrow evening on my blog.

Keep TRUSTING ... keep PRAYING ... God will give you the peace and wisdom that you so desire.

mama of 13 :)

Shelly said...

Jenay, that post left a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. We are so proud of Lashae and even prouder to call you all our very dear friends. You and Charlie have done a wonderful job raising those little people. We love you very much!

Welcome! said...

Crying big crocodile tears right now. Dang it!!! You are amazing and so is LaShae. God is all over this!1