Saturday, March 6, 2010

Only Reece!

Only Reece as a two year old boy would use his onesie as his pocket. When you change his clothes its only a guessing game if you will just get a diaper or a toy of any shape or size.

Today Luke and I came across his Valentine cards in the pantry and we were looking at all the different cards and we had a few of our favorites. There was one with a picture of a cute little kitten that when you moved the card back and forth the cat comes forward and back. Reece LOVED it so much! Any time we picked a new one up he would say "Kitty?" so we just gave it to him and he was THRILLED. So after looking at the different cards we put them away not even thinking of Reece and his little kitty card.

So hours and hours later Reece and I came inside from doing chores and he goes "shirt, shirt, sissy shirt". So I reach my hand not even thinking and I pulled out a valentines card with a little kitten on the front and Reece reaches up and says "kitty". I handed it to him he says "dan do" (Thank you) and walks off.

It just makes me laugh at all the funny and random things babies will do. More then half the time it makes me smile. :) Especially because they don't think anything of it.




marlece said...

chars, you are the best sis, did you know that? I love that you see his little humor and enjoy it. I loved having you here and watch you take care of him. (oh, and by the way, Kisha looks fab!)

dan do, love, Your Auntie Esh

Jenay said...


You bless my heart!!! I love that you notice these things with Reece and keep a record, and get a kick out of him. He is sooo lucky to have you be his big sister. You do such a great job with him.

I love ya to pieces.
