Tuesday, March 23, 2010

39 days!

Boy how time flies!! We are now in the 30's of days before we leave. I can't believe it. God is good. I am overjoyed and beyond thankful for this AMAZING opportunity. I can't wait to see what God unfolds in the next 39 days and on the trip. I am excited about my team and just everything!

Quick story I would like to share:

Chuck (my dad) and I went to the doctor yesterday to get our shots for the trip. Before we left, I took all the cash I had saved in my room and my mom gave Chuck all the cash they had saved. We weren't really sure how much we had total and we also didn't know how much our overall cost for the shots, visit, admin etc was gonna cost...we just knew we had to do it.

Once we were at the doctors office, the dr. came in and wanted to know what shots we needed and all that jazz. We told him what we knew we needed for sure and asked him to check on a few. He searched his records and found that neither of us had shot records. Finally, after much looking, waiting and discussing, he found what we needed. It turned out I needed one more shot than I had planned and so did Chuck. (we still had no idea how much the final cost of this was going to be)

As we were trying to figure everything out the dr asked where we were going and what we were going to be doing and all that. So we told him and somehow it came up that I was paying with my own money and he said "well then don't worry about paying for the office visit (normally $99)" I was in shock, it took me a second to remember to say "thank you" and I had to hold back the tears.

Eventually, we both were given the immunizations we needed and I left my money with my dad and headed out for softball.

Later my mom texted me and said something to the effect that "God is amazing! He provided exactly what we needed. Dad left the office with $1.50 in his pocket!"

I was blown away and so blessed. Again it was confirmation that we are being called to Go and that God WILL provide, when we need it. Not before! :)

(sorry if this is scattered and not a great read, but I needed to post it before I forgot)

1 comment:


Hey so you left a comment on my blog and you had said you had a question for me if you want you can email me at coloradogal93@yahoo.com with your questions!