Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Uganda 2010!

Tickets have been purchased.
Bags are being packed.
VBS is being planned (along with many other plans!)
Books, blogs and Scriptures are being read.

And I have never been more excited in my entire life! (not kidding)

In about 45 days (May 1st) me and a team of 7 other wonderful people, will be on our way to Uganda.

God is changing hearts, moving mountains and calling us all by name. I am so undeserving, yet incredibly blessed.

I am a sinner but I have been forgiven, by grace alone.

I am willing and ready.

My dreams are coming true.

The Holy Spirit is BURSTING inside of me!!!

My heart grows approximately 1000 sizes per minute.

I am motivated, passionate and praying.

The Lord has me in the palm of His hands.

I am overflowing with Joy, peace, excitement, love, hope, faith and wonder.

Because of Christ, I am fearless.

May I NEVER lose sight of God and His plans. May I never doubt Him. I pray that even when I can't see what He is doing, I will walk confidently in Faith down the path He leads me. May God remain the absolute center of my universe and the reason for everything we do during our trip.

I am blessed and totally stoked!


Uganda 2010
(my first journal entry about my journey)


marlece said...

so excited and proud of you!

Shauna said...

YAYYYYYY!!!!!!! I too am so excited for you, and all that you will experience, and all that God can do in and through you! And, and, and.... I could go on and on!